We grew up here in the Florida Panhandle and after living near the beach for over 30 years, we upgraded to a larger property inland. We're working on our homestead and we like to share what we know and what we learn with our friends, neighbors and community.

"Beyond The Pines" is a song by the band Thrice. We are lifelong fans of Thirce and when this song was released in 2018, it really resonated with us.
"Somewhere down the road is a place that we can go where everyone
And everything is divine
And when we're all awake, we can finally make and end of these
Divisions in our minds
Far beyond those walls, gleaming black and white
Further than our false schemes of wrong and right
Is a field where we can walk
Leaving all our names behind
I will meet you there, beyond the pines
Templed in twilight or dawn
The light and easy air
Tracing the lines on our palms"